It’s about….Time





Bleeeeh, so I couldn’t think of a better title for this blog post. So I guess that will just have to do till I can pick my brain for something more spicy :-p

Time…..time  can be beautiful when spent with the right people doing the things you love most. Just like most people say..time flies when you are having a good time and I’m guessing time doesn’t fly as much when you are not having a good time.  This sorta reminds me of that time back in high school when I had to write the sentence ‘to manage time efficiently and effectively’ a thousand times because I was late for assembly. At that time it seemed like the mother of all punishments but now I realize that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed..because without it I’d never have created such strong bonds with the friends that I made that day. I ‘d gladly say it was a good time investment because it hit two birds with one stone

What i’m tryna say is that time is like that undiscovered diamond, that we know of but don’t really know how much value it could potentially hold. When people say its the little things that matter, I automatically think ‘time’. Its value is under appreciated yet it holds the power to transform our lives into something bigger than we could ever imagine. Think about those ‘I love yous’ that were said a minute too late or those ‘Thank yous’ you wish you had said those small things that could have made such a big difference if only we had said them at the right time.

That being said..we can’t be pinning over spilled milk, I guess all that can we could possibly do is say the things we want to say, and do the things we really want to do while time allows us!

Time is at most the most valuable and most perishable of all our possessions ~ John Randolph


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